JSAR (JavaScript Augmented Reality) at OSDC.TW 2009 Taipei

Last weekend, I flew to Taipei to attend the OSDC.TW 2009, OpenSource Developers Conference in Taiwan. I had a talk titled "The JUI Digest Taipei" there. JUI means JavaScript User Interface:

The JUI 2008 Tokyo (first)
The 2nd JUI Conference in Adobe MAX Japan 2009

In addition to the recent topics in the 2nd JUI, I showed the JASR (JavaScript Augmented Reality) demonstration.

JSARToolKit is a library to run AR by JavaScript. It works as a proxy wrapper for a bridge application using FLARToolKit.

Try it : JSAR Demo #1
Get marker PDF : JSAR logo for print
Get marker PDF : 4 markers for print

Then, today's main dish was "AiR Xiaolongbao".
A dozen XiaoLongBao (小籠包) were shown on the table by JavaScript!

Try it : AiR Xiaolongbao Demo
Get marker PDF : XiaoLongbao markers for print (free)

This was a hommage for Air Yakiniku (Air焼肉) as a Chinese version.

Some of front-row seated attendees helped me to show that JSAR supports multiple markers. Jesse drew his improvisatorial "JSAR" marker whis was fainally recognized at the last of my talk.

See my slides on slideshare.

This was my sencond trip to Taipei. We really enjoyed there again. Last year, I gave another talk titled DOM manipulation by Wiimote/Gainer over HTTP in OSDC.TW 2008. That was also first time for me to talk about Wii Remote. I evolved it later and talked it in some other YAPCs places. I guess I will talk the JSAR again for other conferences this year as well. See you soon!

BTW, JSARToolKit uses FLARToolKit internally. I must say thank you for Saqoosha who is one of the most cool Japanese Flash guys. And he will give a talk about FLARToolKit in the FITC Tronto 2009 conference this weekend. Don't miss it!